To be an above average network marketer, you need a large, motivated team. But, getting people fired up to work hard isn’t always easy.
Lots of people who work in network marketing have to make their schedule fit around family responsibilities and other jobs.
To motivate your team, you need to show them how to inspire themselves. You have to get them excited about the opportunity your company offers and show them that their time and energy won’t be wasted.
You need to be the living example of success and communicate with your team, sharing the strategies and inspirations that brought you to where you are today.
Inspire, Don’t Just Motivate
Inspire is a Greek word meaning “breathe within”. To be an inspirational person, you must act with an air of confidence and energy that allows you to connect to and embrace others — to be the force levitating their goals to new heights.
You need to be a role model to your team showing them that you are a person worthy of following. You have to be a leader.
Start by doing the same things you ask your team to do in a big way. If you show them that you believe what you are saying to them, and you do it daily, they will be inspired by your actions, not just your words.
Acknowledge Their Achievements
Motivating your team through praise is a great way to push them to do their best. They will appreciate you noticing their efforts and not just their results. By acknowledging them, you give them a foundation for more future motivation.
Consider setting reminders to check in with your downline at regular intervals. Use the opportunity to recognize what they are doing well and offer assistance where they may be falling short. Review their goals and discuss how you can help get them there. This is particularly true for new network marketers that are early on in their career.
Find creative ways to recognize and reward their achievements, even if they are small wins. Small gifts or even acknowledging their success goes a long way in keeping them motivated.
Give Them What They Lack
There are too many people out there that have been ignored and pushed aside in life. They’ve never had someone in their corner cheering them on to do their best.
Now, as a part of someone’s upline you have the opportunity to be that voice for them. You have the power to push someone’s idea of achievement to the next level.
Saying the right thing at the right time will go a long way towards creating a downline that is excited about doing their best.
Share with them your big vision for their future and let them know that you believe in their ability to achieve it. Introduce them to new ideas that allow them to see themselves as worthy of the best opportunities.
Spend Your Time and Attention on Your Team
In order to take your network marketing business to the next level, you need to have a motivated downline. To do this, you need to put in the time and attention to boost your team’s morale and keep them performing at their best.
That means listening to your team and understanding their goals and the challenges they face in getting there. Take the time to find out what is meaningful to them on an individual level, both personally and professionally.
Ask them what they want to change about their lives and get them excited to chase their goals.
For More Help With Inspiring Your Team
Knowing how to motivate and inspire your team can take your network marketing business to new heights, but if you want to do this efficiently, you need to have the right tools to get you there.
That's why we built Kalypso — The App for Network Marketing Professionals. Our platform is designed to help you manage, communicate with and inspire your team.